Wednesday, November 30, 2011

wanted backyard atelier

Antwerpens Hinterhöfe sind legendär, sowas gibt's in der Schweiz schlicht und einfach nicht
das Prinzip ist grundsätzlich überall dasselbe
von der Strassenseite her mehr oder weniger unscheinbare Hausfassaden, meist schmal und hoch
würde man jedoch eintreten in diese Häuser, durch den Gang spazieren
eröffnet sich meist im Hinterteil ein langgezogener Garten und öfters auch
ein Hinterhaus
leider alles meist abgeschirmt durch meterhohe Backsteinmauern auf allen 3 Seiten

so ist's auch bei mir
nur meine streunenden Katzen wissen besser Bescheid, was sich hinter den Mauern verbirgt
Whisky und früher auch  Campari haben immer den Weg über die Mauern gewählt und sind irgendwann
in für mich unbekannte Welten abgetaucht
mein Klofenster ist ihr Tor zu einer mir verborgenen Welt

wieso ich erst nach sage und schreibe 6 Jahren auf die Idee gekommen bin
auf einen hohen Stuhl zu stehen und über die Mauer zu schauen
weiss ich nicht

aber was ich da sehe
nur gerade 8 meter von mir entfernt, ist
ein freistehendes Hinterhaus
mit viel Licht
niemand scheint sich da aufzuhalten
was für eine Vergeudung

muss dringend mit meinen Nachbarn reden

PS: aber auf welchen Nachbarns Grundstück dieses Haus steht kann ich nicht sehen


I nearly forgot the sweet potato
cleaning the terrass for the winter
I took out the sweet potato plant and had of course a sweet potato
twisted in the tiny pot!

the few vegetables I harvested by accident this year were all red 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Botanical prints

this botanical prints are from around 1850
and come from an old library from Padua

bought in this nice shop in Venice:

Antichità - Brocante
Via Mocenigo 5/A
30126 Venezia - Lido

the owner, a french lady, was once a fashion designer and is now a collector of mainly antique fabrics, clothes and venezian glass

apple tart I & II

baked two different apple tarts

Öpfelwähe with pomegranate and ginger
the swiss classic with a twist

Tarte Tatin
the french classic

the only apples, you buy in a regular supermarket, which are usefull for this are

Friday, November 25, 2011


Making granula

- mixing in a bowle different kind of flakes with sea salt
  I use spelt and kollath wheat, organic

- cut different whole nuts in big pieces and rost them in a pan without oil!
  don't burn them!

- heat in a pan good quality olive oil with honey, till the mixture bubbles

- mix the flakes, nuts and oil/honey mixture

- put it on a backing tray with paper

- rost in the oven 180℃ till it's lightly brown

- let it cool completly and break it in pieces
  add dried fruits, I like dry ginger

- enjoy

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

maria loizidou

visited a gallery in Athens with nice work from Maria Loizidou

"This ancient game of light and darkness, of the inner and the outside world, of the deadlock condition of hope is the theme of Loizidou's entire installation...
Although the gateway to the outside is blocked from our gaze, the light penetrates the paper material allowing some hope."

Monday, November 21, 2011

Athens III-folk art

beautiful embroderies from Greece
mainly 18th and 19th century
the last are knitting needles

Athens II

do we see something of the crises in Greece?
maybe yes
churches are more visited
demolished shopping windows
closed shops
less people in the restaurants
less public in the show

life goes on
and people and animals care for each other
what else should they do?

in ancient times they asked the orakel
in our times it's all in our own hands
like Pandora says in our performance

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Athens I

last stop of the tour

Monday, November 14, 2011


people who know me better
that I like to polish nearly everything which comes in my hands
maybe a sort of meditation with the aspect of perfection

this weekend was a full polish weekend
thrifted a big amount of antique baker molds and trays
4 wooden weels
a slot
a kind of  screw clamp for the table of a tailor, can't completly figure out the use of it

it was hard work to be honest :-)

Friday, November 11, 2011

if you're looking for a vintage lamp...

you have to come to Antwerp to this shop
this guy has a collection of vintage lamps and furniture
that is giant
lamps in all variations

auf den Hund gekommen

old advertisments are the best!

and after 4 weeks of absence Whisky-my cat-found her way back
new cosy place she choosed
and I like her as much Roman people like the cats in the ruines

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Naga tribe necklace II

bought on the fleamarket in Rome this amazing necklace
Tribe Konyak Nagaland
age around 1950 or earlier I would say
the 28 bronce faces are not all different but most of them
for the Naga the strength of men is concentrated in the head
that's why they wear masks before hunting and fighting
and they were headhunters!
cotton thread

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Roma IV-ciao eternal city

I think Rome is the most beautiful city in the world
if you touch the marbel on the Pantheon
you can nearly feel the centuries passing bye

Roma III-fleamarket

getting up at 7 in the morning to go to the fleamarket in a city like Rome is not that painful
beautiful weather
not that much to find
too much new things
but I bought another Naga necklace
will show later
there were some amazing stones and cristals
and a stand with old stationary

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

some kind of Blues

recently I like to listen to this

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Roma II
