Sunday, March 16, 2014

wood, concrete, black and white

If I wouldn't have become a fashion designer
I would like to be a carpenter
or an architect
or a photographer
or a farmer

that's maybe why I never buy books or magazins about fashion anymore
my wishlist on books is all in the same field
Charlotte Perriand - Scheidegger & Spiess
what a strong and emanzipated artist and she had two opuntia cacti in her atelier in Paris in 1927 :-)

Carlo Scarpa - Phaidon

Francois Hallard - Rizzoli
very diverse interiors all by famous people of course

Junya Ishigami - How small? How vast? How architecture grows

Minka 1955 Japanese traditional houses
beautiful black and white photos

Emmet Gowin
so intimate portraits of his wife over decades, reminds me of Sally Mann and Dorothea Lange

Gaston Bachelard - The poetics of space
It is about the architecture of imagination-how beautiful is that!
The Japanese Joinery book I bought in the nice shop in Williamsburgh with the same name
The work-place Studio Mumbai book in Antwerp but it's from a swiss publisher


  1. love everything

    i already changed from graphic to jewellery
    now i want to become an overalldesiger

    1. overalldesigner find ich gut, anna : )

    2. Stimmt! Ich nehms im Moment grad wortwörtlich und bin mit Arbeitskleidung beschäftigt-ein Overall steht an erster Stelle.

  2. wir könnten eine gemeinsame bibliothek eröffnen
    all deine wünsche stehen entweder in meinem regal oder ebenso auf meiner wunschliste : )

  3. Hej, du Liebe! Über eine selbstgezogene Ufo-Pflanze von dir würde ich mich RIESIG freuen. Schreibe mir doch an izetzsche(at)gmaildotcom. Herzliche Grüße, I.
